Sunday, November 16, 2014 is all in the details...

Happy Harvest!  I always enjoy hanging wreaths on the front door.  I smile every single time I see them.  As preparations for Thanksgiving are happening at Estle Schipp Farm, I remember that planning is the key to success.  It is also the key to success as you live your hobby farm lifestyle...or farm girl lifestyle...or DIY lifestyle - however you identify your desire to live closer to the land and each other.

So, what do you want to happen in the seasons to come?  Start a garden - or expand one?  How about an orchard - or just one fruit tree?  If you are like me, you say Yes!  all of it....but first comes the planning.

The key is to BE INTENTIONAL about what you want to do and lay out the steps that will get you there.  Then, decide what is one thing I can do today or this week to get me closer to that goal.  For several years, I have said that I was going to try to tap some of our maple trees and learn the process of sugaring - making syrup and maple sugar too!

This is the year to start I decided, so the first thing to do was to identify and mark the maple trees....come February or March, I was not confident that I could figure out which trees to tap just by looking at the bark.  So, armed with some strips cut from old T-shirts, my husband and I decided to find four trees as candidates for tapping.  We almost waited too late since there were few leaves left on the branches!

I'm glad I'm finally going to take the step to learn this tradition and that I intentionally did something today to get closer to that goal.  And, as it turns out, the bark on a maple tree is fairly distinctive so I learned a new skill today already!  What is one skill you want to learn and what can you do today to get closer to making that happen?  I would love to hear your stories!      

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