Sunday, November 30, 2014

Sunday Cooking: Leftover edition

"Leftovers in their less visible form are called memories.  Stored in the refrigerator of the mind and the cupboard of the heart."  Thomas Fuller

As I gaze into my refrigerator, I see the memories of a wonderful family gathering of just a couple of days ago.  I see the deviled eggs made by a daughter and green beans made by another.  I see the remnants of a veggie tray put together by yet another daughter and the leftover cheese cubes from the tray a favorite uncle carried in on Thursday.

I see the stuffing made separate from the turkey and with vegetable broth because the daughter who loves it so is a vegetarian these days.  I see the ham made for a dear son who doesn't care for turkey but who didn't like the mustard I added to the glaze this year.  I see the turkey made for the other dear son who doesn't like ham and who kept turning on the oven light to see how the best part of the dinner was progressing.   I see the best husband in the world peeking into each covered container to find just the right combination for just one more taste of everything.  It was a blessed day that will live in our memories long after those same containers will hold leftovers of other meals made hurriedly as I rush from work to cooking to another evening commitment or to chase a wayward chicken or to just enjoy a quiet moment with my needlework.

 So today, it was leftovers as we put up the Christmas tree and blessed the Advent wreath.  I was ready to turn those Thanksgiving leftover memories into something new and fresh as we turn the page to the most blessed of holidays - the waiting of the Advent season and the Christmas celebration that follows all the way through the Epiphany.

This Sunday recipe is using the leftovers of turkey and the items that were on our veggie tray.  This turkey salad is a little different than the usual one and I enjoy the freshness of it.  I hope you enjoy it too.

Veggie Tray Turkey Salad

2 cups chopped turkey
2 cups chopped veggies - I used celery, pickles and tomatoes
2 hard-boiled eggs, chopped or 4 leftover deviled eggs, chopped if you have them
1 cup cheese cubes
1/2 cup mayonnaise
1/2 cup Italian dressing

Mix together the turkey, veggies, eggs and cheese cubes.  In a separate bowl, mix mayonnaise and Italian dressing.  Pour dressing over salad and toss to coat.  Enjoy with crackers or a sandwich or just by itself.  It is a welcome change from the heavy foods from Thanksgiving dinner.

Until tomorrow - Peace be with you,

Star Schipp

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