Wednesday, December 10, 2014

10 Reasons to WinterSow Your 2015 Garden

Have you had any of 
these experiences with 

*You want to grow different varieties than are available at your local garden center. 

*You try to figure out the right date to start your purchased seeds at home.

*Your seedlings start off well and then fail to thrive or worse, damp-off.

*You are unsure exactly how to prepare the plants to live outside. 

I have had all these frustrations until I found a new method:  


Head on over to and learn a better way to start your 2015 garden!   Winter sowing means that you will plant your seeds now in mini greenhouses (at my house that means empty milk jugs) and put them OUTSIDE!  Yes, OUTSIDE, now....

Now don't stop reading just yet...this method really works.  Many seeds require a chilling period prior to germination.  This method takes advantage of that requirement plus the seeds will not start germinating in their little greenhouse until the weather is favorable for them to do so.  The seeds KNOW when is the best time to start growing - isn't that just a wonderful miracle!  

10 Reasons To WinterSow Your 2015 Garden: 
  1. Your can recycle containers like milk jugs and plastic soda bottles to make mini-greenhouses. 
  2. You want different varieties of vegetable and flowers than you can find at your local garden center. 
  3. You don't want to spend a fortune on plants to start your garden.  (Go to - Free Seeds to get seeds just for requesting them and sending a self-addressed envelope!) 
  4. Seeds are smart and know the best time to germinate. 
  5. Winter Sowing more closely replicates the natural life cycle of a seed. 
  6. No need to use extra electricity to run heat mats and grow lights. 
  7. You won't worry if Punxsutawney Phil sees his shadow, that extra length of winter will not affect your plants.  
  8. You can still get a "dirt" manicure when you plant your mini-greenhouses - even in December or January. 
  9. No need to rush to get your seeds planted in the Spring, yours are already done. 
  10. Why, tomatoes of course - - Open Pollinated Tomatoes 
One last thing, remember to label your greenhouses.  Preferably with a grease pencil - I used a Sharpie last year and it faded over the Winter - so I planted a few mystery plants.  LOL   I hope you do your own research and find that is a wonderful resource for your 2015 garden.  

Tomorrow's post will be on using Essential Oils to make solid perfumes for both yourself and for gifts.  Hope to see you then! 

Peace be with you, 

Star Schipp 


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