Friday, December 5, 2014

Farmgirl Friday -MaryJanesFarm Going Green Merit Badge Progress: Castile Soap Floor Cleaner

If you have been reading along with my hobby farm progress, you know that Friday is when I report my progress on MaryJanesFarm Merit Badges.  Currently, I am working on my beginner level Cleaning Up:  Going Green badge.

I have collected all the non-green cleaners and set them aside for our next tox-a-way day but, of course, I need to replace them with more friendly, homemade products.

 One of my previously favorite products was the wet mop cloths that are disposable.  Of course, that was before I realized that was a bad idea.  Bad idea because it just adds even more to the items that go into the trash.  Bad idea too because I don't really know what is in the liquid I was spreading on my floor where my children go barefoot.  Even if that mop solution is considered safe, I made a promise to myself and my family to use ingredients that are as close to natural as I can.

In my research, I realized that cleaning is as much about having the right tools as the right products.  I do use the microfiber mop that is sold at .  That mop has microfiber cloths you can attach, mop with, and then toss into the wash to use again.  No wasteful addition to the trash can!

 The mop is very easy to use and the cloths stay firmly attached.  The cloths can be used either wet to mop or dry to dust mop.

Now, I have a renewable method of cleaning that will not require a trip to the market!

Here is my recipe for the Castile Soap Floor Cleaner that I now use.


1 gallon water
1 cup vinegar
1 Tablespoon Castile Soap (I use Dr. Bronner's)
20 drops of the Essential Oil of your choice - depending upon what scent makes you enjoy mopping more :)  (I like lemon - sometimes peppermint, lavender or rosemary...depends on the day)  


Into a large container with a lid, I like to use a large glass jar that I found in the canister section of a big box store, add water, vinegar, soap and essential oils.  Mix to combine.  Add mopping cloths and allow to saturate with the solution.  Remove one cloth, squeeze out excess solution and attach to mop to clean floors.  Replace with fresh cloth as necessary.

I'm working on other cleaning solutions now and will keep you updated with new formulas as I test them and decide which ones I like best.  Other progress toward this badge is my green journal.  I finished the outline for the e-book this week and will be writing more this weekend.  I'm really looking forward to sharing it with you!

Tomorrow is Skills Saturday....I'll show you how I extracted honey without a centrifuge and how to render honeycomb into beeswax.

Peace be with you,

Star Schipp


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