Monday, January 5, 2015

Every Monday Matters Week 7: Remember A Member of the Military #BeIntentional #EMM

I may be compelled to face danger, but never fear it, and while our soldiers can stand and fight, I can stand and feed and nurse them. 
-Clara Barton- 

The Every Monday Matters task for week 7 is to write a letter to a U.S. Military Hero.  There are more than 2.2 active and reserve men and women spread across about 150 countries in the world.  These brave men and women set time aside in their lives to protect, serve others and seek basic human freedoms for others.  

Do you know someone currently serving?  Have you written them a letter lately?  Imagine what a welcome that would be after a long mission when you are dirty, hungry and tired.  We all love getting handwritten letters so lets remember those who are working so hard for us.  Perhaps you do not know anyone currently serving you know anyone who is setting aside their personal time to serve others?  You could write to him or her too!   

I noticed, I am embarrassed to say, for the first time in our Church bulletin that there is a section noting those of the parish who are serving.  I'm going to start writing to them.   It isn't a new thing the Church started, I looked back at past bulletins and somehow skimmed over it.  Shame on me but I am going to change that.  

Maybe you don't know what to say. Or, maybe it has been so long since you have written a real note or letter that you aren't sure where to are some notes to get the words flowing: 

  • I wanted to take a few moments to write and thank you for your service...
  • Please accept this letter as a token of my gratitude for your courage...
  • I'm writing to let you know that your work on behalf of others has been noticed and I am so grateful....
Here are some points to remember from the book Every Monday Matters
  •  Select a soldier with whom you have a connection (family, friend, relative of a friend, parishioner, etc.)
  • Address the letter directly to that person.  Letters addressed to "any military personnel" will not be delivered. 
  • Write a letter from your heart.  Even if your personal beliefs do not support the politics of the situation, these individuals are protecting our freedom and the freedom of people across the world and deserve a kind word.
  • Share a little about yourself and ask appropriate questions to show you are interested in him or her as a person.   Avoid sensitive subjects.   
  • Include your email or mailing address if you are comfortable so the conversation can continue. 
  • Send the letter...don't hold on to it, share it! Your letter may be a bright light on a difficult day for someone. 
There are other ways you can help too!  Have you heard of Warmth For Warriors?  If you knit or crochet, you can make a hat to help keep a soldier warm. 

Another website lists several opportunities to show support for our military heroes: Support Our Troops outlines many organizations that help send care packages, books, movies, or even calling cards.  Plus there are ways to support military families back at home, programs for wounded veterans, even scholarships for those transitioning back home.  Please visit those websites and consider how you might help.  

Do you know of any other programs to help support these men and women?  I would love to hear your comments.  Let me know too, if you send a letter :)  

Tomorrow, we will be at the Garden Gate and talk about the secret life of bees.  I hope to see you then.  

Peace be with you, 

Star Schipp
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1 comment:

  1. I never knew you could make and ship hats to the military. I can actually put my minimal knitting and crocheting talents to good use. Thanks so much for sharing. You made my night.
