Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Spring is Here...Time for Spring Cleaning!

Have nothing in your house that you do not know to be useful, or believe to be beautiful. 
William Morris

Spring has definitely arrived on Estle Schipp Farm...the spring onions and radishes are growing rapidly in the garden, the lilacs are in bloom, the farm over on Highway 36 has new lambs and Bob has already fired up the mower...so, that can only mean it is time for SPRING CLEANING!  

This is the season of the year I both love and hate at the same time.  I love opening the windows and having the fresh air but deep cleaning not so much.  I am always happy when it is over - the cleaning, I mean.  

Over the winter, things pile up around here.  Projects get stashed away to make room for holiday gatherings and the natural cocooning I do over the winter does cause some clutter.  I also have some rather messy hobbies that add to the creative mileu we call home - painting, sewing, needlework all have quite a bit of equipment to store - not to mention the cheesemaking, food preserving, maple sugaring and all the fun things we do all year. 

And then there are the spring projects that are already underway.  Our dining room is full of honey supers in various stages of being built.  The kitchen counter has become a seed sorting station and very soon, the hobby table will be full of 4H projects.  So how to begin this project called Spring Cleaning

I had an epiphany as I was planning my cleaning time.  I realized that I need to consolidate our belongings so we know exactly what we have.  I think this will have at least two rewards - less time looking for a particular item plus seeing what you have can help you realize that you have a surplus and can donate some things.  I realized this when I started really looking with a critical eye.  Here are some examples: 

  • We have book shelves in the kitchen, bedrooms, living room and office...all with more books that we really need
  • I have yarn and fabric in my office closet, hobby room and in a basket by my living room chair....I'm frequently looking for a particular skein or cut of fabric and just can't find it
  • Costumes...as in Halloween and theatre...I found some in a tote in the hall closet, more in the closets of the children and for some reason a Captain Hook hook hanging off the back of a kitchen chair...LOL 
As you can see, I have some work to do.  I am confident that by consolidating our belongings, our home will be more organized and feel lighter and fresher.  The confidence I will have that everything has a place and that when I need it, I can find it will be so welcomed.  I have already found some duplication in belongings that were so unnecessary.  No one needs four size G crochet hooks - you only use them one at a time.  

I hope you will join me in lightening up our homes in this season of Spring Cleaning...remember William Morris' words:  everything in your home should be useful or beautiful (or even both!).  

Peace be with you, 

Star Schipp

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